Sample Quiz 4
1 Which flying pioneer was nicknamed the lone eagle? - Charles Lindbergh
2 Horse statue - mounted man - on two legs - how man die? - Killed in Battle
3 Which American state produces the most potatoes? - Idaho
4 Who wrote Dr Zhivago? - Boris Pasternak
5 Who is Charlie Browns favourite baseball player (fictional)? - Joe Shlabotnik
6 Emerald is the birth stone for which month? - May
7 Whose yacht was called Honey Fitz? - John Fitzgerald Kennedy
8 What is the white trail behind a jet plane made from? - Ice Crystals
9 What Italian habit did Thomas Coyrat introduce to England 1608? - Eating with forks
10 Purl; Plain and Fisherman's Cable are types of what? - Knitting stitches
11 Why was Mary Mallen locked up from 1915 to 1938? - Typhoid Mary
12 If you were doing vaccimulgence what are you doing? - Milking a cow
13 For what purpose was the chow chow dog originally bred? - As food or Chow
14 What kind of fruit is a kumquat? - Small Orange
15 Who was the Greek goddess of love? - Aphrodite
16 What first appeared in the New York World on 21st December 1913? - Crossword
17 Which group of animals are called a cete? - Badgers
18 Which herb did the Romans eat to prevent drunkenness? - Parsley
19 What is the original literal meaning of the word bride? - To cook (ancient tutonic)
20 Who ran the first marathon? - Phidipedes
21 What is the only creature that can turn its stomach inside out? - Starfish
22 What is Milan's opera house called? - La Scala
23 What is the oldest most widely used drug on earth? - Alcohol
24 What type of animal is a Samoyed? - Dog
25 In which country did draughts (checkers) originate? - Egypt
26 Shane Fenton became famous as who? - Alvin Stardust
27 What is the worlds most popular green vegetable? - Lettuce
28 What does a racoon do before eating its food? - Washes it in water
29 What other name is used for the snow leopard? - Ounce
30 Which drink did Bach enjoy so much he wrote a cantata for it? - Coffee
31 Who invented the first safety razor in 1895? - King Camp Gillette
32 What nationality is Thor Heyerdahl? - Norwegian
33 What 3 ingredients make a sidecar cocktail? - Brandy Cointreau Lemon juice
34 A spunder or drift is the name for a group of what animals? - Swine (pigs)
35 What is Erse? - Irish Gaelic language
36 An oometer measures what? - Birds Eggs
37 What did table tennis balls used to be made from? - Cork
38 If you had variola what disease have you got? - Smallpox
39 Which playing card is called the Curse of Scotland? - Nine of Diamonds
40 Which painter did Hans van Meegeren most fake? - Vermeer
41 Which country had the first women MPs 19 in 1907? - Finland
42 In 1969 what category was added to the Nobel prizes? - Economics
43 In which city was Bob Hope born? - London (Eltham)
44 In the human body where is your occiput? - Back of head
45 Who wrote the Star Spangled Banner? - Francis Scott-key
46 Which food did Victorians deride as little bags of mystery? - Sausages
47 Which actor was dubbed the muscles from Brussels? - Jean Claude Van Dam
48 Which film star was the first to appear on a postage stamp? - Grace Kelly
49 What would you expect to find in a binnacle? - Ships compass
50 Which Hollywood star has made the cover of Life most times? - Elizabeth Taylor (11)